MULES is the upcoming Killing Joke Films' adaptation from the story of the same title by acclaimed novelist Ed Kurtz. The tale follows a pair of drug mules who face tragedy and horrific weirdness. MidWest WeirdFest alumnus Paul Von Stoetzel (of Killing Joke Films) needs your help to make his latest weird-tastic film!
Killing Joke Films is a Minneapolis based production company who have produced over 30 short films/music videos, and two feature documentaries including SNUFF: A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT KILLING ON CAMERA and SCRAP. KJF has collaborated with acclaimed author Ed Kurtz in the past on the short film "South of Heaven" and for the adaptation of his novel "Bleed" as a series for SeekaTV. The latest film will be produced in tandem with Minneapolis based Know Idea Productions: comprising the perfect team for this disturbing adaptation.
From director Paul von Stoetzel: "We are attempting to raise funds to adapt Ed's unreleased short story “Mules” to complete the KJF short film collection Noir at the Bar which are adaptations of the works of novelists who have contributed to Noir at the Bar somewhere in the nation. Noir at the Bar is an internationally spread event of writers reading and drinking, created by Jedediah Ayres who KJF have collaborated with in the past on the award winning short film 'Viscosity'. 'Mules' would be the final short needed to finish the collection for distribution which would include the adaptation of Dennis Tafoya's 'How to Jail', John Rector's 'In the Kitchen With . . .' (which screened at MidWest WeirdFest 2017), and Jeff Shelby's 'Twisted Sister'. This collection has been seven years in the making and we are all very excited to finally officially release it to the public."
MULES synopsis: Mary-Jo and Hank are drug mules who just got across the border full of product inside them. After a night of partying, Mary-Jo is left to deal with a horrible situation and has to do the unthinkable in this weird tale/crime/horror hybrid story.
Check out the great perks for getting involved in the MULES Indiegogo campaign here, and help a Midwestern filmmaker with a truly original and weird vision: